Dxo photo
Dxo photo

Note that we do not sell this software and I’ve only written this as a service to our customers, some of whom might find this software useful. It also offers the ability to batch process raw files to DNG, for example with only the Deep Prime NR enabled, and those files can then be processed as usual in Lightroom or Capture One for example. However the results are so good that for the occasional great image that might need a little help in the noise department, I feel it can be worth the purchase price. One drawback to Deep Prime is that on older, slower computers, or those without a high-performance graphics card, the software can be very slow (several minutes) at processing a single image. I strongly encourage you to download a trial version to test it out for yourself! Words can’t begin to describe how effective it can be when working with a high dynamic range photo, shot at a high ISO, where you are needing to recover deep shadow detail due to underexposing in order to preserve highlight detail. The first image sequence in the samples below, taken in White Rock, has a bunch of hot pixels near the lower left corner, so you can see how well hot pixels are managed on that photo. It even does a great job of eliminating hot or stuck pixels. Deep Prime is exceptionally good at distinguishing noise from even subtle texture details, and usually does a stunningly good job at eliminating even heavy levels of noise but leaving you with an image that is largely artifact free and looks like it was shot at a much lower ISO.

dxo photo dxo photo

I have never been as impressed with any other “AI” based NR software.

dxo photo

The raw conversions are finely detailed with good dynamic range and great shadow detail, but Deep Prime is what is game changing. Well, I have to say that the tests left me immensely impressed, so much so that I ended up buying the software for myself. With DxO’s recent update to their PhotoLab software, it now supports raw files from Fujifilm’s X-Trans sensor equipped cameras, so I finally took the opportunity to download a trial version, mainly to test out their “Deep Prime” noise reduction (NR) module.

Dxo photo